Jew-hating Speakers At Duke
As many of you are aware, Duke University brought in several Jew-hating speakers on March 31, 2022 as part of their so-called “Israel Apartheid Week.” A number of brave NCCI supporters were in the audience, and Amy wrote up a summary of the keynote program, which has now been published in Times of Israel, linked below.
We hope this will lead to more resistance to these type of hate fests being sponsored by universities near you. We need to cast light on university leaders who hide behind “academic freedom” that only applies to Jew haters; they are well aware that if they gave similar support to Black, Latino, LGBT, Muslim-haters, there would be rioting in the streets.
Jewish Students Mocked by Antisemitic Speaker at Duke University
“When asked what would happen to Israelis if Palestinians took all the land “from the river to the sea” during Duke’s anti-Israel week, keynote speaker Mohammed El-Kurd replied “I don’t care. I truly, sincerely, don’t give a f…” The audience roared its approval. Clearly Duke University’s antisemitism problem is going from bad to worse.
Who is Mohammed El-Kurd? Despite his name he claims to be Palestinian. He has an extensive Canary Mission rap sheet detailing his hatred of Israel, Jews, America, the police, his adoration for terrorism, spreading misinformation, denial of Jewish history, and more. He is notorious for quotes such as “Zionists have an unquenchable thirst for Palestinian blood”. In his book Rifqa he claims that Israelis “harvest organs of the martyred, feed their warriors our own.””
Click here to read the full article
Contact Information for Key Duke Leaders
We provide contact information below of key Duke leaders, and ask you to write or call with two “asks:” 1) to have them condemn the speaker, Mohammed el Kurd, for his callous mocking of safety concerns of Jewish students at Duke and 2) to provide funding for programming that supports the Jewish State of Israel, to counter the damage they’ve done.
Duke President Vincent Price – Vincent.price@duke.edu (919) 684-2424
Duke Provost Sally Kornbluth – Sally.kornbluth@duke.edu (919) 684-2631
Office for Institutional Equity – oie-help@duke.edu (919) 684-8222
Watch Mohammed el Kurd Speaking at Duke