Photo: Anti-Israel protesters attack pro-Israel counter-protesters in Raleigh, NC on May 13, 2023
What does Jew-hatred feel like? A punch in the gut. Literally. Let me explain.
On May 13, a “Nakba” rally was held in Raleigh, N.C. It was one of many such rallies held around the USA. These events are notorious for promoting Jew-hatred.
Nakba is Arabic for “catastrophe.” The word reflects Arab bitterness about the establishment of the modern Jewish State of Israel and the Arabs’ failure to slaughter the Jews during Israel’s 1948 War of Independence.
NCCI thought it important to counter the lies and Jew-hatred. We reached out to local Jewish organizations, seeking their support and assistance. We received none.
At the last minute, we contacted the Jewish Leadership Project. They came to the rescue by providing a truck that displayed messages countering the typical Nakba lies. These messages included: “Nakba: the failed genocide of Jews by Arabs in 1948,” “The real Nakba: The expulsion of one million Jews from Arab countries” and “Nakba, when the Arab leaders disappointed Hitler.”
Rally in Raleigh
When we arrived at the rally, many of us wearing “End Jew Hatred” T-shirts and carrying signs, we stood quietly in the back of the crowd. Nevertheless, we were confronted by rally-goer behavior that may be acceptable in Gaza but not in the USA. Two people told a member of our group that “Jews kill babies.” He was shoved hard but did not fall. A rally-goer came over to me and punched me in the abdomen, then tried to grab my sign. As our group was seeking help from the Raleigh police, who had been ignoring the threats and violence we faced, another man wearing an “End Jew Hatred” T-shirt was surrounded by haters, shouting at him inches from his face while he tried to stay calm. The man was flung to the ground. When he got up to subdue his attacker, only then did the police intervene. They ordered our group to leave the public park and stand on the other side of the road. We complied and watched in horror as the rally ended with police blocking Raleigh streets as the rally-goers (who didn’t have a parade permit), marched while shouting “Intifada, Intifada.”
While many politicians and Jewish leaders prefer to focus on right-wing antisemitism, radical Islamists and their leftist allies have acquired positions of power in government, the Democratic Party and academia. Our leaders need to understand this growing threat and take it seriously. Anything less endangers our survival, both in America and the historic Jewish homeland of Israel.
To learn more shocking details, see the complete JNS article here.
Intifada: Defined as “A call for terrorist attacks on Jews with the goal of ethnically cleansing the Jewish people from Israel.”